This great story is on my guess-the-fic list, so I have to answer! It's
Champagne Truths by Judith Tylke!
Now a new good one:
"I would imagine that it's been pretty scary at times today. Waking up to find yourself unable to move or even speak would terrify most people. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're going to be fine, but it may take a day or two to get back to normal." She smiled sympathetically. "If you want to cry, go ahead. I won't tell anyone."
Stunned that Nurse O'Brien had seen through him so clearly, Clark remained speechless.
Plumping his pillows, she continued, "Now, before I leave you, is there anything you want or need? How about something cold to drink? Is ginger ale all right?"
He nodded. "That would be fine, thank you." He added as the thought struck him, "Could you please ask one of the policemen out there to contact Inspector Henderson for me? I need to talk to him."
"Certainly." With a final plump of his pillow, she left the room. "Be right back with that soda."
Left alone, Clark wondered at his reactions to the events of the day. It dawned on him that he did want his mother. If he could only see her, he knew she would help him put things into perspective. Her calm, good sense would bring some order to the chaos that was his life at the moment. Tears rose again in his throat. Maybe Nurse O'Brien was right. Perhaps he should give in to his desire to weep. He could hardly feel worse, and it might help. Clark turned his face into the pillow and let out the sob that had been choking him.