This is CC Aiken's lovely Clark Unhinged err, I mean, Clark Uncaged . smile

I almost hate to play, though, because I'm certain my fanfic quotes are all disgustingly easy. Oh well... I tried smile

Lois looked up at him, her eyes narrowing as she noted his rigid posture and the stubborn set of his jaw. She was going to have to resort to high-pressure tactics. "Clark," she said sweetly, "if you don't stop avoiding me, I'm going to write an article telling everyone that you're Superman."

"You wouldn't do that," he said with more confidence than he felt. "You wouldn't expose Superman."

"Oh, wouldn't I?" retorted Lois. "Read about it in tomorrow's Daily Planet!"

"But ... that's blackmail, Lois!" Clark protested.


"So, you can't do that!"

"You know how to stop me ..." she said.

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K