I remembered! and I didn't search.
Date by Arrangement
by Wendy Richards I loved that story.

The names in this kinda gives it away, but it's one of my favorite stories, and I love this scene.
"Your Highness," said Sir Mordred, his tone noticeably more deferential towards Lois than it had been a few minutes previously, "that still doesn't explain why the King assumed Sir Lancelot's guise and returned to Camelot."

"Are you going to let me finish, or not??" said Lois crankily. Clark
grinned openly. "While in Caer Wyn, the King discovered that the dispute he had gone there to settle was fake." Lois paused and noted with satisfaction that Mordred looked distinctly taken aback.

Behind her, Clark was gazing up at Lois with a gleam of admiration. So she, too, had discovered that the dispute was bogus! He had found that out himself, but he wouldn't have dreamed it possible that Lois could have done so, too.

He could see that he had vastly underrated her. He was going to have to appoint her as chief investigator for the Court. That is, he reminded himself glumly, if she was still speaking to him when this was all over.

Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. ~Robert Benchley