Oh, that one is from my own probably all-time favorite, When the World Finds Out by C.C Aiken!

Okay, here's my own quote:

"Lois," he said quietly, "this is what it's going to be like. Sometimes I have to leave in the middle of the night. But I'll always come back." He handed her the orchid. "Always, Lois."

She looked at it. "It's beautiful."

"Aren't you going to take it?"


He sensed her dilemma; the bundle of clothing she was clutching to the front of her body wasn't leaving a whole lot to his imagination. He grinned. "Why not?"

"You could just maybe put it in a vase for me."

"I could." But he didn't move.


His eyes lit up, and then he spun, whirling in front of her, his features an indistinguishable blur; then he was still, the costume lying in a careless heap beside him on the floor. He stood in front of her, naked, his dark eyes serious, promising her everything. He handed her the orchid. "I love you, Lois Lane."
Sorry I changed quotes, but I just totally love this one.
