What a great story!!! Took me awhile to figure that one out!

That's Jeff Brogden's Lost and Found.

Now for one of my favorites:

"And Superman is really Clark Kent. I always knew they looked a little alike, but ... Oh my God! Does Lois know? I mean, she is married to him and everything! She must know, right? What if she doesn't know? Should we tell her?" He waved his hands in the air.
EDIT: Need more of a hint?

"Honestly, CK. I don't know how I'm going to be able to work with her," Jimmy complained. "She's driving me nuts. I ask her if she wants a coffee and she snarls at me. Then she gets me one, with a donut on the side. She brings me a pile of research that I didn't ask for and probably won't need but she said she got it special for me to make my job easier! Then when I don't use it, she's back to snarling at me! She's been doing this Jekyll and Hyde act since she got in this morning and I don't know how I'll be able to take it! I have no idea how she really feels about me."

Clark laughed. "Forget how she feels about you. How do you feel about her?"

"She's fascinating. She's got an incredible mind - and you know, that's not normally the first thing that catches my attention about a woman!" Jimmy grinned. "And she's kind of cute in a buttoned-down librarian kind of way! She makes me angry - but I like it!" Suddenly serious, he continued, "I really feel this strong connection between the two of us; it hit me like a ton of bricks the moment I saw her for the first time. I've never felt anything like it."

"Ooh, you've got it bad!" Clark teased. "How do you think I felt about Lois the first time I met her?" he asked.

"Oh no, I'm doomed!" Jimmy joked.