Need another clue?
Earlier in the story (another Kerth Winner!):

"I'm a reporter."

"I said I wasn't interested."


"A reporter in Borneo?"

"I thought you weren't interested?"

"I'm not. I'm just being polite." She looked belligerent for a moment, then repeated her earlier question. "So... Borneo?"

She was a bundle of contradictions, Clark decided, unable to decide whether he was irritated or charmed by her attitude. She was fascinating for sure. "Don't look so surprised," he said with an indulgent smile, which he knew she would probably interpret as unbearable contempt. "There *are* newspapers there."

"With as big a reputation as the Planet?"

"Is that the paper you're working for? The Daily Planet?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"Is there a rule that says I have to?"

She glared, her frown reminiscent of the expression adorning her face when she had first snapped at him. "I suppose there isn't," she said slowly. "Just like there is no rule forcing me to listen to the boring conversation of a guy who needs a better hobby than sitting in bars waiting for a woman to annoy."

She rummaged through her purse and dropped a few bills onto the table, then she put on her coat and slid out of the booth where she had been sitting.

She was leaving.
Simona smile