Hey! I know this one. It's Camping With Clark by Kathy Brown.

I'll be back a little later with a quote...

Okay, I love this story.

"I saw them!" she almost yelled. "I went over to
Clark's apartment - I knocked, but they didn't even
hear me! They were engrossed in each other... half-
naked and kissing as if they couldn't get enough of
each other." She pulled a face, repulsed again by the

"But I can't really blame him," she continued, more
calmly now, her tone sad. "I never told him how I
felt about him. I never showed him... I mean, I just
took him for granted. He deserved more than that, so
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he took it when
it was offered." The tears were threatening again;
Lois brushed one away with the back of her hand
before reaching across to the coffee-table for
another Kleenex.

And then she saw Superman's face. He looked
completely stunned, as if someone had hit him with a
Kryptonite two by four.


Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.