Oh! Oh! I totally read this one a few months back! It was a Valentine story... written by... was it Kaethel?

Ha! Got it. It's Kaethel's Unexpected Valentine .

This is a total gimme:

"Live a little, Clark. It's fun to be bad."

His eyes go a little darker. "So was that fun?" He gestures to
the bedroom door. "Or bad?"

"Are you fishing for compliments now? Because I'm not about to
rate you."

"You don't have to. I already know how I did."

I open my mouth but no words come out. I pick up the closest
pillow off the couch and throw it at him. He ducks and it knocks
the lamp off the end table. He catches it before it hits the
floor and puts it back.

"Tell you what," he says as he dodges the next pillow I launch at
him. "You call Henderson while I go get us something to eat. I
have a feeling I'm going to need my strength for round two."

He bends to pick up his shoes, missing another pillow in the
process, and heads for the door.

"You're laboring under the delusion that there will be a round
two!" I finally manage to find my voice as he opens the door.

He looks back over his shoulder. "You're saying there won't

"I wouldn't bet on it!" I pick up the last pillow on the couch
and take aim.

"Oh, I would." He winks at me and closes the door just before
the pillow gets there.

I shouldn't be thrown by Clark's innuendoes. I should have known
to expect this since he teased me about liking it on top within
minutes of our first meeting. He intrigues me and maddens me
and... there's no one else I ever felt this comfortable or this
safe with. No one else who ever pushed me over the edge and
caught me at the same time.

Of course there's going to be a round two.

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."