Hey, I know this one it's:

"Shape of My Heart" - By LatRat

It's a great read. It has a pretty exciting begining and I love the ending.

I'll be back with another quote....

Okay, I'm back with one of my all time favorites:

She got up off the couch. "I'll see you in the morning," she said, leaning over and giving him a light kiss on the cheek before heading for the door, picking up her socks and boots on the way. She had to get out of here now. She'd put her things on outside.


"Yeah?" asked Lois turning to face him.

Clark got up, but didn't approach. "Will my feelings be real tomorrow?" he asked.

"I hope so, Clark," she said before turning back to the door and grasping the doorknob. However, rather than opening the door, she stood there, thinking about Clark's question. If this was Miranda's perfume, and in Lois' mind that was the most likely possibility, then it should take two days to wear off. But this was Superman. She supposed it could wear off more quickly on him.

So what would happen tomorrow if the perfume's effects were gone? Would that mean everything would go back to normal? After all, Clark's inhibitions might have to do with more than a fear of rejection. He might have never let her know how he felt for a hundred other reasons. Maybe he didn't feel ready for a relationship and didn't want to risk hurting her. Maybe he didn't think it was right, because he was an alien, to get involved with anyone. Maybe he was afraid of what might happen to her if it became known that she was in a relationship with Superman. Maybe he was afraid of the strain Superman's lifestyle might place on a relationship. Maybe he didn't believe he was supposed to have a life here.

And what would that mean for them? What if tonight was all they would ever have? The instant that thought sunk in, she turned around. Dropping her boots and socks on the way, she practically flew down the stairs and back into Clark's arms.
Write On! smile1