I know this one! It's Wine, Wine, Wine by Kathy Brown. It's really funny!

Lois shook her head. "I could never hurt Clark that way. I
have no intention of ruining his happiness, but you'd better tell
him soon, Mayson. If you really love Clark, you can't expect to
have an honest relationship with him if you're keeping a big
secret from him," she said, and stared intently into Mayson's
eyes. "The longer you keep the secret, the more it's going to
hurt when the truth finally comes out."
Mayson was about to respond when a waiter handed her a
note. She sighed. "It seems Clark was called away."
Lois felt relief wash over her. She would not have to face
Clark and Mayson together. "Then I'd better be going." She
said, and rose from her chair. "Tell him soon, Mayson. Clark
doesn't deserve that kind of pain."
Mayson's eyes narrowed, "I'm getting a slightly clearer picture
now. I think you're carrying a little torch for your best friend."
Lois folded her arms. "I'd hardly call it little, but don't worry,
Drake," she said, no longer putting up a pretense of civility. "I
was too slow acknowledging my deeper feelings for Clark, so I
won't be making any last minute bid to take him away from you."
"As if you could." Mayson laughed sourly. "I just realized that
there's no reason for me to ever reveal my true feelings about
Superman to Clark. Working in the D.A.'s office gives one a
flair for the melodramatic. I'll simply pretend to be courteous to
the alien when my path crosses his."
"That's even worse!"
"I think given enough time, I can turn Clark around to my way
of thinking, and when that happens, the truth won't matter."
Mayson rose from her chair and faced Lois. "Unless you intend
to go behind my back and tell him yourself."
"That won't be necessary."
Mayson and Lois turned to see Clark approaching the table.
Ever since childhood Lois had desired the power of invisibility,
but this was the first time as an adult that she would have paid
any price if she could secure that power. Mayson walked up to
Clark and began fiddling with his lapels nervously. "The note
said you were called away."
"Is it true, Mayson?" He asked, ignoring her question. "Do
you hate Superman?"
"My God, Clark! What possible difference could my feelings
for Superman make? What does he have to do with us?"
"Is it true?"
Mayson sighed. "If I'd told you that I had an aversion to
snakes or spiders, would that have mattered to you?"
"No," Clark said softly. "But the fact that you'd lump Superman
in with other 'creatures' that make your flesh crawl does matter."
"You were eavesdropping!"
"Not intentionally, Mayson. I had something personal to
discuss with you, but when I saw Lois, I ducked into the

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller