Woohoo!! I knew I knew this one. It just took a few hours to remember what it was. wallbash This is one I've read countless times. Zoomway's You Made Me Love You (and don't forget to follow it up with Wheels of Justice and Great Shades of Elvis to complete the set!)

Here's from one of my all time favorites! I'm not sure how vague it is, but I was trying not to make it *too* easy, considering it's a SuperFutures. wink

"So you're from Metropolis?"

"Yep. What about you? I mean, before you came here."

"My dad's family is from Chicago and my mom is from near San Francisco. When we're in the States, the Bay Area is our home base, but we travel around a lot. I've never been to Metropolis, though."

"It's just another big city."

"I wouldn't say that. No other city has Superman."

She rolled her eyes. She could never quite get used to all the hero worship Dad got.

He flushed slightly. "I guess it's a little childish to still be into Superman."

"Oh, not at all--that's not it. All the kids at school are into Superman, and so are most of the adults in Metropolis. It's just that-- well, he's a friend of our family, from way back when he first appeared in the city and Mom and Dad covered the story, so he seems ordinary to me. I mean, imagine if everyone acted about your Aunt Diane the way people act about Superman."

He laughed. "If Aunt Diane could fly and went around saving lives, I'm sure they would."
Sara smile

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