No worries, they are all good BTW.

Let me see.. Yes.

"Nice driving." He reached down to retrieve her purse from the floorboard.

"I got the space, didn't I?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Congratulations, Lois. You win again."

"The meek may inherit the Earth, Clark, but they do *not* get parking spaces in this part of town."

He handed her the purse. "I'll keep it in mind."
A little easier, this story is extremely quotable.

Lois laughed at him. "You're a farm boy! You're not supposed to get grossed out by the miracle of life."

"It's a *wheat* farm, Lois. There are no bodily fluids involved in growing wheat. And I'm only grossed out by the miracle of life when it happens directly on top of my clothing."

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...