I know that one, I re-read it last week.....

it's It Only Hurts When I Breathe by WEndy

try this one:
She smiled at him and he found himself feeling vaguely uncomfortable. "Tell
me Superman, what would you think of someone who constantly lies to you
about what he is doing, who disappears at the drop of a hat and who never
tells you the real reason why he's been gone?"

She looked at him owlishly, and he was at a loss to know what to respond.
"I'm not sure what you mean Lois," he began, "if you're talking about

"Ah yes, let's talk about Clark," she interrupted him, as she staggered to her
feet and lurched into the kitchen. He tried to steer her gently toward the
kitchen table, and was startled when she brushed his hands away angrily.

'Lois, please sit down. I'll make you some coffee." He tried once again to
get her to sit down.

"Yeah well, you can make the coffee," she conceded grudgingly more or less
falling into the chair he'd pulled away from the table for her, "but only
because the world won't stay still."

Hiding a smile, he turned to the cabinets where Lois kept her coffee and
mugs. As he pulled the items he needed from the shelves she began to speak

"Tell me," she spoke conversationally, "what made you think I'd talk to
Superman when I just threw your alter ego off my porch?"
