I love this one too, it's Super Stud by ML Thompson.

Okay, I don't think this one has been used.

Perry White had been so sure.

Just as he knew that the sun would rise every morning and set
every evening, just as he knew that Elvis was alive and well and
living incognito with a tribe in the Amazon basin, just as he
knew that the Metropolis Oaks were the worst baseball team in the
country, and just as he knew that no reporter should ever go into
Suicide Slum without back-up, Perry White had known that Clark
Kent was Superman. There were few certainties in the world, but
that had been one of them.

When Clark's death had been broadcast over the police
frequencies, Perry had taken the news with a spadeful of salt.
Someone had made a mistake. No doubt about it.

Then, when the news crews had shown up at the scene and
interviewed the first eyewitnesses, he'd known Clark's death for
what it was: a ruse. It had to be.

Perry had watched seven eye-witness accounts dispassionately,
letting the stunned reactions of the rest of the newsroom staff
wash over him. Give it five minutes... ten minutes... an hour...
two hours tops... and Clark would step out of the elevator,
looking just the same as ever, armed with a semi-convincing story
to explain away his miraculous escape from certain death.

Clark would convince everyone.

Except Perry, because Perry knew better.

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.