Ok then this is from earlier in the story.

"How do things look for us, Ms. Hunter?" Clark asked.

"Please call me 'Constance,' she told them with a smile. She could
hardly blame them for wanting to get to the point. Laura was an adorable
child--dark hair and eyes, lovely skin and a winning smile. She certainly
didn't look neglected.

"Thank you," Clark said. "And you don't have to be formal with us,
either. 'Lois and Clark' will be fine."

"All right. Then let's get down to work." She picked up some
official looking documents from her desk and handed them to Lois and Clark.
"I'd say things look good. I have depositions from your pediatrician and
the neighbor you said did some baby-sitting for you a couple of times.
I've also spoken with Perry White, James Olsen and Penelope Barnes. All of
these people have agreed to testify on your behalf. Still no word from
your parents, Clark?"

Clark shook his head. "I'm afraid not."

"Well, it will probably be all right any way. These other people will be
good witnesses. With the exception of the pediatrician, they've all been
to your house--sometimes arriving unannounced--and say they can attest to
your care of Laura."

At the sound of her name, Laura turned her face to Constance and smiled.
The attorney found herself smiling back, and addressed her next remarks
towards the baby. "And once the judge sees how normal and healthy this
little cutie looks, well ... it will be an open and shut case, won't it,

Laura grinned even wider, then hid her face against her daddy's jacket.
She had only begun to interact with other people in the last month, and so
this was still a new game for her. The adults laughed at her expressions,
relief intermixed with the humor.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller