Finally I got it! I remembered this story but I could say the title or the author, but finally, because this is a vignette about lessons for a wannabe superhero...
Lessons by Pam!

I'll come back with a good one later...

Ok, I love this story:

Clark gasped as he sat upright and looked around.

The room was empty.

But... there it was again. An invisible touch so gentle and so intimate that it grazed his soul.

He reached out blindly and found himself touching something solid. He explored with his fingertips, then felt himself being gathered into a hug.

He hadn't been hugged like that since... He couldn't remember when. Perhaps he hadn't been hugged like that, held to a warm and comforting busom, since he was ten years old and his parents had died.

Should he be frightened? There was nobody there. He was being embraced by air.


It felt so good.

He gave into temptation, and he began to sob.
Simona smile