Hey! I'm shocked, I know this one. Wendy Richard's Penfriend.

I'll be back with a quote...

This is from the first story I ever read. I've been addicted ever since!


"All right, Clark, what happened out there this afternoon?" Her voice was
firm, insistent. Then she reached out to touch his hand and her voice lost
its aggressive edge, "I thought you wanted us to be closer." She watched
his face, searching for some clue to his thoughts.

"Lois, it's not as simple as that, and I don't think we can talk about it
here." But he didn't pull his hand away, although he said nothing more.

Lois sighed and decided to raise the stakes, rationalizing that nothing
could be worse than where they were right now. She absently brushed her
thumb across the back of his hand, aware of his tension. She spoke softly,
keeping her eyes fixed on his face. "Tonight should have been wonderful,
Clark. Is it Superman? That talk this afternoon? Do you think that I'm
still in love with him? Is that it?"

"Lois, this afternoon, I saw a document with Bureau 39 in the heading on
the computer at the Anderson's. I think they're probably government
agents, and given their comments about Superman, it looks like the
government still has not decided what Superman is. Lois, if you were
involved with Superman, you could be at risk."

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.