Oh, I just reread this story recently! An early one of Yvonne Connell's - Fear of the Unknown

There are so many wonderful stories - how do I choose?

Impulse took over; perhaps this would answer her doubts and questions. "I think..." she continued hesitantly. "I think I want you to kiss me."

There was a shocked pause when everything - even the gusts of wind outside - came to a screeching halt. Finally, a squeaky voice resembling Clark's filled the silence. "I'm sorry, you want me to *what*?"

Well, obviously he hadn't been expecting her to say that, but hey, she hadn't totally expected it herself. The words had just seemed to... come out, and she hadn't been able to stop them. The look on Clark's face was priceless, though; his mouth was open slightly and his eyes were wide, looking at her as if she had suddenly asked him to fly into outer space and return with a piece of the moon.

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5