I've heard audio clips of people so excited that he won because now they wouldn't have to worry about buying gas or making their house payments because he was going to do it for them or something like that. I didn't understand that then or now... And it was more than one person...


At his press conference today, he was asked if any of the information he's received since the election... surprised him or something to that effect and he didn't comment on that.

Part of what I think about Iraq and other national security things is that it's easy to 'Monday morning' quarterback all kinds of stuff, but once you know the whole truth about intelligence etc. the ballgame changes. I think that's true of most presidents as they take over. For instance, Truman didn't know about the Manhattan Project when he became president and he was the VP. How much less do those outside the administration know and how much could their minds change when they find out?

Just a couple thoughts smile .
