Just to clarify, I was never only making a point that the lipstick remarks were a stock phrase. Rather that the combination of evidence presents more ambiguity than certainty. Either you give the benefit of the doubt upon knowing the cluster of facts or not. But certainly any conclusion would be uninformed without knowing the remarks without the context of it being a stock phrase and the full excerpt at the very least IMO.

In short, the best conclusion rests on hearing as much as one can was my point. (Although this is just my rationalization for linkage-induced therapy :rolleyes: ) I was not responding to anyone specifically at that point

Re: cartoon controversy. Reportedly, a friend told Obama about it without him (the friend) knowing where it was from. When Obama learned Tom Noles did it, he attributed it. Maybe it was an accident, maybe it wasn't.

Ticker thing here .

Naturally, it's all over right wing blogs and heh, Fox. The RNC already blasted an email like its Christmas come early. wink

alcyone (bias moment: I will avoid ranting on the fact deficit of McCain's ads, I am well aware both campaign ads twist junk--but the education one makes particularly atrocious insinuations)

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan