quoting someone is the same as thought police?
What I was actually trying to find out was why Vicki quoted Ayers: what specific point she was trying to make with the bolded remarks. Earlier, all references were to Ayers as an unrepentant terrorist, but the specific remarks only referred to his beliefs, not any planned or wished-for or unrepented actions.

Anyway, Vicki answered my question, and in the spirit I asked it, too. Sorry I didn't post again at the time, Vicki, but our internet was down all yesterday evening. I think it's pretty clear that we're not going to agree on this - personally, I see Marxism (as long as it's not tied with any kind of violent behaviour) as being as valid as any other political philosophy. Maybe as a result of working for too many years with people so fixed in their own perspective (one which, admittedly, I shared) that they automatically rejected any divergent view as 'wrong' and not worth listening to, but I see willingness to listen to other perspectives - particularly ones you disagree with - as a positive, not a negative smile Even if you still end up with the same beliefs you started with, it's generally on the basis of a better understanding of the opposing point of view.

(Not, of course, that I'm arguing that this is why Obama may speak to Ayers and others of similar views - I have no idea and am not speculating).

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*