Originally posted by RL:
I haven't been called a kid in 30 years. I'm in my 40's, btw. I notice I keep getting attacked personally (re: "normal human being") every time I ask a hard question, and the question never gets answered. Interesting.

Still, what's the answer to my question? Do you support a second Social Security system and the abolition of 401(k)'s? That question is hardly an attack on anyone. it's just a simple yes or no.
Kudos Roger! Keep putting out the facts.

IMO, your information is always put out there with polite, logical simplicity. If FACTS challenge or contradict the assumptions of some, making them feel insecure, "attacked" and angry... what what can you do?

Please keep up your informative posts. With the "media" who used to claim to be impartial journalist (just reporting the facts) now openly abandoning the PRETENSE of such, it's harder to get both sides of an issue.

Thanks. thumbsup