So, really, what this says to me is that far from proving McCain's feminist credentials, it seems that women are still only good enough for second place in the Republican party.

Hey, at least the Democrats actually put one on the list for the top job.
I totally and whole-heartedly agree with Labrat's comment. I'm not really convinced that the Palin nom is done out of the greatness and love of diversity of the GOP. Yes, those are my biases and I own up to them. *shrug*

Both sides are being *gasp* political.

while Obama chooses an old guard establishment candidate from the "Good Old Boys Club," ostensibly to offset his own pathetic lack of anything resembling experience.
Realistically, there was no other way for Obama to go if he wants to win. He needs someone to pick up the slack where he needs it. On a meta-level, all the talking heads have been jabbering on for forever about how Obama needs to neutralize his difference while McCain needs to prove his.

That's where Palin and her "interesting" story come in. Lol. This is an entirely calculated move as well. Both sides are pretty transparent about bending over to media pressure. I'm not even gonna pretend.

There's no way for anyone to pick the perfect VP. Groobie echoes a lot of the feminist criticism I've read from the left:

This is a desperate move to attract independent women who voted for Clinton. If McCain really believes that women are so stupid that they vote only for the candidate's gender rather than the issues, then that is the real insult of the nomination.
Palin is just about the other extreme of Hillary, so one wonders. And McCain has been courting Hillary's peeps...

Still, whatever gets the underrepresented to participate. I won't vote for her because of where I stand, but I like that she has a chance. Yay equality.

Americans, as a whole [present company excluded I'm sure], aren't known for delving deep into issues when it comes time to make decisions on many things.]
That's certainly true. I'm still reeling over the attention paid to stupid flagpin issues at the beginning when all I wanted was to see how the candidates differed on policy.

alcyone (who is eagerly awaiting the debates)

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan