Actually, I've seen plenty about Ayers, Acorn, Jeremiah what's-his-name and so on in mainstream media. As for that journalist in Florida, I don't know who's digging into her private life and that seems wrong to me, but the Democrats criticising her for her question isn't all that different from the way Palin kept slamming Katie Couric for what was, IMO, a perfectly reasonable set of interview questions.

In Biden's place, I would have wondered if the journalist was joking too. All those accusations based on Obama's comment about spreading the wealth is one thing (and ALL taxes are redistributive, after all, as is just about all government spending), but a Marxist? Since when has Obama even hinted at opposition to private enterprise? Has he so much as suggested public control of private corporations? Of course he hasn't. As I commented earlier, there's a huge difference between socialism and Marxism, and Obama's not even a socialist. If he were, he'd be advocating for workers' rights and huge extensions of labour laws to protect employees, representation of employees on boards of directors and many more things, including a steep increase in the minimum wage.

As for the Rashid Khalidi accusation Patty mentions, I'm waiting for that to appear on Factcheck, though CNN's own factcheck is calling it misleading at best - they say Obama has always made clear that he disagrees with Khalidi on Palestine. But that's CNN, and we'll see what Factcheck says.

This is one thing I loathe about modern-day politics; accusations which may be completely untrue - such as Obama not being born in the US, or Palin cutting spending on special needs - or which are at best misleading make their way around blogs and gossip sites as fast as a virus, and they're impossible to kill completely. There are plenty of voters out there who still believe some of these inaccurate or misleading rumours.


Just a fly-by! *waves*