What analyst is that who says Obama is good for the long-term economy? Virtually every economist will tell you it's very bad policy to raise taxes in a recession, so I'd say that analyst would be in a distinct minority. What parts of Obama's economic plans would you call pro-growth?

Again, as I predicted, the question doesn't get answered. What does it hurt to answer it? I'm not baiting anything. I'm just seeing if you agree with Congressional Democrats on their new version of another Social Security plan. That was the topic, btw. The comment on the stock market was an aside. So I was merely continuing the topic at hand.

You're right. I don't know anything about you, but since you jumped into the conversation about the Congressional plans to take away 401(k) deductibility and its potential effects on the stock market, I posed it to you as a question. I made an assumption, but posed it as a question for you to say yay or nay on in case my assumption was wrong. So what's your answer? The worst question I'd come back with if you do support it is why?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin