That is of course until he subconsciously mentions it himself. I mean, Lord have mercy, this man is trying to gain the trust of, at the very least, half the people in the country and he makes a flub like that?!
Lol. I laughed in dismay as well, but being completely fair, McCain also flubbed big time with the houses comment.

Gaffes shouldn't matter as much as they do. Politicians are human, even if they are forced to pretend otherwise.

I find it amusing to see how the left is accusing McCain of "Bush" similarity, when it's their candidate that resembles him more(at least speech flub-wise).
Well, I'll have to disagree with you here-- simply because Bush is in a league of his own. Based on what I've seen, he's way ahead of both McCain and Obama in terms of making up words and the like.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan