I do occasionally read DU and DK just to find out what the other side is saying. These days I've been going through the HillaryClintonForum and finding it amusing what those people think. I don't do it that frequently, so I must have missed those references to ABC News. You may be surprised that I don't read any conservative blogs. I find it funny when you say I'm spewing things straight out of the conservative blogs that I've never read. LOL

My favorite political links are to Fox News, since I can't get any real news from anywhere else <g>, RealClearPolitics, and opinionjournal.com. I spend more time reading about football and Apple (Macintoshes and iPods/iPhones) than I do about politics. One of my favorite things to read on foxnews.com is the frequent columns by that ultraconservative Susan Estrich. She has to be since so many people tell me there are no liberal voices on Fox News. <g>

I do venture over to cnn.com, abcnews.com, cbsnews.com, and so on on occasion just also to find out what the opposition is saying or more importantly, isn't bothering to cover.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin