Pam -

the number I heard is Obama wants minimum wage to 9.50 by 2010.

I shudder at that. that's a 50%ish hike in minimum wage and I know small business that would go under/hike prices/cut jobs but I GUARANTEE you DH or I [salaried] won't see an extra dime while all of our costs go up.

His own website

Minimum wage was never meant to be a LIVING wage... it's for high school kids and those who've never been in the work force not to try to raise a family on - and those who do try to do that - IMO - will likely never be able to do so easily because the costs of goods and services goes up in proportion to the 'wholesale' cost of those those goods and services. Gas/distribution costs go up? So does the price of goods. Wages go up? So does the price of goods - proportionally or even out of proportion if businesses feel they can get away with it. Those that can't get away with it will go under/cut jobs/cut benefits/etc.
