Frank Rich's point is that the McCain campaign encourages, or at least not discourages, Republican crowds to work themselves into such a frenzy that they might actually, truly, want to kill Obama.
First, a point of clarification. According to Dana Milbank, who was actually at the rally, and whose column Frank Rich refers to when he talks about the "frenzied" crowds, the man in the crowd yelled "Kill him!" immediately following Palin's comment about Bill Ayers and his bombing campaign. Milbank says his impression was that the man was talking about Ayers, not Obama. This still does not excuse the comment, however, and I commend McCain's calls for decorum.

That this isolated event could lead Frank Rich to conclude that mobs of frenzied Republicans might actually attempt to kill Obama is beyond ludicrous.

And, speaking about suggestions to kill politicans, go to Google images and search for the words "Kill Bush". Where has Frank Rich been for the past 8 years?

Now, for something that really gave *me* the creeps... the newest anti-Palin t-shirt goes completely beyong the pale.

WARNING! The t-shirt in this picture contains obscenity.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster