Also I question the unproblematic assertion (mostly peddled by the right) that Obama hasn't been vetted by the media. That's a double standard in play.
How so?

Perhaps his more critical, and really, it hasn't been all that critical, treatment by the MSM since the pres. campaigns started is a reflection of the lighter treatment he received during the primaries?

Not going to disagree that 'selling papers' isn't behind the volume of coverage. Has been so since the days of Pulitzer at al. Nevertheless, I don't think it's just a one variable thing.

I have to admit, I'm not too familiar with right-wing American media. I've never watched Fox news, for example. I do read the Globe and Mail which some Canadians regard as somewhat conservative, although it depends on which columnists you read. But I also read the Toronto Star, a liberal paper, and listen to the CBc, definitely liberal. Was at one time a card carrying NDP'r (am now politically promiscuous, however smile )

Won't bore you with the rest of my sources. smile
