There are lots of reasons to vote against Obama, the least of which is a disturbing tendency to hang out with domestic terrorists like William Ayers. Any reason the press isn't the least bit curious about that yet they're crawling all over Alaska looking into Bristol Palin's sex life? Or that his stint as "community organizer" involved working for ACORN, an organization dedicated to registering voters four or five or fifty times under the names of dead people and devoted to intimidating the opposition? He was basically working for the Chicago political machine, and we all know that Chicago is corruption free, right? Contrast that with Palin bringing down the GOP's Alaska party chairman and other party members for corruption. Just imagine Chicago's political machine brought into the White House if Obama wins.

And the fact that Obama's chief accomplishment in life is to write his own memoirs twice without having done a single thing to merit a memoir except to be born. Ulysses S. Grant won the Civil War and had two terms as president, yet wrote only a single memoir AFTER being president while dying of throat cancer to support his penniless family. Grant was a really bad businessman who had been a bank teller before the war. Yet Obama has two memoirs. Huh? Cart, horse?

Obama's also an elitist who looks down on the "little people" calling them desperate people who cling to their guns and religion. I find that offensive even though I have neither guns nor religion. He reinforced the opinion that he believes himself to be the Messiah with his descent onto the stage at Invesco Field. He reminds me of Terrell Owens, a wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, who was quoted saying, "I'd love me some me."

He's also made enough gaffes to make Dan Quayle look highly qualified. Anyone visit all 57 states recently?

As for his voting "present," Obama's shown a disturbing tendency to duck the tough issues. He's known for sponsoring bills, only to disappear when the bill became controversial. The only thing he's known to stand hard on is to vote "no" on a bill that would have allowed medical treatment for infants who survived late-term abortions.

Do we want a president who will duck out on all the hard issues that he would face as president?

Palin is popular with the GOP for a number of reasons, and not all of them have to do with the fact that she wears skirts. If she had the ideology of Joe Lieberman (a good, honest liberal), she would have destroyed the party, not unified it, which is why McCain did not choose Lieberman to everyone's relief. People were also tired of the same old faces. Does anyone realize that this is the first election since 1972 that didn't have a Bush or Dole on the Republican ticket (Bush in 80, 84, 88, 92, 00, 04 and Dole in 76, 96)? She's a bright, young, up-and-comer who represents the next generation of leaders. Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana would have fit the bill as well and he doesn't wear skirts (I don't think he does). In many ways, Sarah Palin reminds Republicans of Ronald Reagan, who gave dynamite speeches in 1964 and 1976 making people wonder if they had the wrong person at the top of the ticket. Michael Reagan even wrote an article titled, "Welcome Back, Dad!" If anyone's an expert on Ronald Reagan, it would be him.

Republicans were depressed because they saw an empty bench for the future. Candidates like Rudy Guiliani, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney didn't excite anyone. Anyone remember Romney's morphing into Ted Kennedy during the Romney-Kennedy Senate race? I do and it still irritates me to the point where I will never vote for Romney. Sarah Palin made people open their eyes and see that the future wasn't completely bleak and filled with 90-year old candidates who hadn't seen the private sector in 40 years, if ever. Instead we got someone who was real and knew what it was like to manage a household budget and drive kids to hockey practice, and juggle a career and family while while taking turns with childcare with her husband. And she wasn't a stuffed-shirt lawyer who went to Harvard or Yale, but rather participated in a beauty pageant in order to win a scholarship to the University of Idaho because she couldn't afford to go to college. When was the last time the Democrats ran a non-lawyer? You'll have to go back to Jimmy Carter, the naval officer and peanut farmer, in 1980 for that. Every candidate, both president and VP, has been a lawyer since then, including Obama and Biden. McCain and Palin, thank goodness, are not lawyers.

Sarah Palin connected with people whereas the elitists couldn't. I think that's what mainly drives the excitement, even among non-Republicans. She's one of us, not one of the ruling elite.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin