
I saw that video a few days ago. On balance I think I agree with her on that. She's not whining about sexism at all that I've heard; it's voters who are ticked about it. And they're putting that passion into action. That's democracy for ya.

I wondered if they really knew what that meant in terms of issues of bodily autonomy, health care, equal pay, etc.
What it "really means"? They've got their interpretation, you've got yours. Obviously the two don't agree. As you say, feminism isn't monolithic.

I heard a lot about her being a woman, but nothing actually about why she's the right woman and what about her/McCain's policies speaks to women's rights specifically.
Very true. I know why I love her, as a Republican, but you're coming from a different perspective and don't like the same things I do (to put it mildy goofy ). I'm looking forward to the debates.

About the Gloria Steinem quote... it's a masterpiece of provocation. Um, yeah, she's a Republican. Nobody's denying that.

I don't know specifics on all the issues Steinem listed, but I do know that Palin does *not* want "creationism" taught in public schools. She wants schools teaching the science. Her point was that if the topic of intelligent design (which is *NOT* the same as creationism; that's a common derogatory slur but bears no resemblance to the truth goofy

Palin's views negate her being a woman herself,
Wow. How about me, am I a woman? And who gets to decide that, anyway?

I also want to add this in: people who are pro-choice and support same-sex marriage, are not necessarily the ones who are going to run and get an abortion or get married the very next day they are allowed to do it. They are also the people who believe that the ones who want to do it, should be able to, regardless of anyone else's moral standing on this.
I do know that. In fact, people who are pro-life and pro-traditional marriage are not breathlessly waiting to arrest knocked-up teenagers or go beat up gays. smile

(If I may digress, I think one of the difficulties of the abortion debate is that the two sides are arguing past each other. One side says a thing is red, the other insists that it's square.)

this is why I think Palin is, in fact, not a human rights supporter.
Fair enough.

Thank you, Alcyone and Julie, for the explanation, and for letting me explain a few things, too. Even if none of us changed our minds a bit goofy it's healthy to have a civil discussion like this. And it's especially difficult to remain civil on explosive topics like this.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K