I read as a very interested outsider, whose country has been very impacted by American decisions since the end of their Civil War (Okay, so they invaded what was to become Canada during their wee rebellion against Britain a million years ago... oh and the war of 1812... which the Euros refer to as the Napoleonic Wars and which started a tad earlier than 1812...)

Okay refocusing here: smile

Paul wrote:
For the record, I don't think anyone is stupid or evil or anything for voting for the other side. Skewed by the propoganda, perhaps. There's so much of it around from all sides, and with so many channels and sites and everything, it's easy to get nothing but propoganda from one side.
Yes! Paul, important point!

I've followed US elections for some years (political junkie confession) and I've thought this election particularly has seen more propaganda, from all candidates, although some more than others.

Why? not sure, but I wonder if it doesn't have something to do with the way in which the internet has been used. News cycles are momentary, and obsess with the trivial, personal details. As well, I see so little respect for the other side.

Why? That's a scary thing to see happening in America which, and I know this sounds corny, has demonstrated more than most other countries on earth, Voltaire's statement: "I disagree with what you say say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

At any rate, I don't think that most of those who disagree with me have been "skewed by propaganda" but have reached their different conclusions in an informed and reasoned way, based on different principles and values than mine, but no less valid.

And Roger, as always, I stand in awe at your command of information. (although, at times I do disagree with your conclusions, but hey, I was , at one time a card-carrying member of the NDP smile )
