Originally posted by StarKat:
Carol said:

the number I heard is Obama wants minimum wage to 9.50 by 2010.
<sarcasm>Yay another minimum wage hike being proposed.</sarcasm>

California minimum wage is already $8/hr. We've got the high cost of living here to go along with it, too. We've been seriously looking at moving out of California because the cost of living here is so high, but if we move and they raise the minimum wage that high, I guess the only thing we'd get out of it would be more annual rainfall (hate living in a desert).

I found an interesting website awhile back that lists information for cities all over the US, city-data.com . One of the things it lists is the cost of living index. 100 is the US average. My town (Ramona, CA) is 116.3 and New York, NY, is 135.9. Both are places where the state minimum wage is higher than the Federal minimum wage. I know this is just two examples, but here\'s a nifty website that lists minimum wages all across the country. Feel free to see if you can find a place with a higher minimum wage and a low cost of living.


Edited to add: This website has a color-coded map that shows costs of living on a state by state basis.
I'm very happy to live in Texas... where our cost of living is low, there is no state income tax and our overall economy is doing better than the rest of the nation.

Some stats in the state are skewed by the hispanic/illegal population near the border, but with that taken into consideration, we are doing fine.

The state is solidly Republican too...

May-be there's a lesson there... Just sayin' .
