Along with the practically free money in terms of real interest rates along with the threat of penalties, banks relaxed many of their lending requirements and loaned money to virtually everyone who wanted it.
The real biyatch about this situation is that now banks are so tight that my hubby and I, with our individual 700+ credit ratings, solid payment history and both working, now no longer qualify for a house loan because the companies we work for are contracting companies. My hubby got offered a position in AZ with the promise that he would be eventually hired(it's one of the reasons we moved) but now the company wants to hold off hiring until "the economy gets more solid". We are doing fine financially(the economy isn't depression era, I promise), but we can't get a house and don't want to pay for an apartment unless either of us have permanent jobs. I'm not suprised to see this closed door back pay stuff happening based on the folks involved, but it's annoyingly inconvienant.

Meantime, Sarah Palin is getting her email hacked by a left swung gossip group. Great ethics going there thumbsup /sarc :rolleyes:

Thanks for the Hannity update Roger, I've been hearing about it on 100.3 Ktlk; I hope to catch it on TV tonight if the in laws'll relinquish the remote. grovel


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!