Elitism, btw, is only tangentially related to money. It's primarily an attitude of "I'm better than those little people" whether the rationale for that is salary or smarts or supposed moral superiority. Or the fact that one grew up in a big city rather than the sticks, say, on a farm in Kansas for totally random instance
But whether this is true or not is a matter of perception (like who these "regular folks" are--which seems to be what defines this race for some). It's hardly something _rationally_ sound on which to base judgement on someone's ability to govern. So the fact that I hear more about Obama's "elitism" more than his inexperience is...surprising to say the least.

She seems very down-to-earth.
I mean the most obvious logical fallacy there is the assumption in that "seems." Even in their gaffes (which are overplayed and taken out of context on boh sides) it's quite obvious that the images politicians project are carefully doctored. One side will present themselves overly positively--the other seeks to demonize. If the vote is for her pro-life, fiscal conservative-ness, then that's one thing. If it's because she's "cool" and "like me" and Obama is "elitist," it's entirely another. I feel the same about some Obamamaniacs, who live in a dream (albeit a more inclusive one, given that "values" sound to me like a hazy way of drawing the line between those who follow your lifestyle and those who don't (and should)--I still think money has lots to do with it).


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan