It's so frustrating... people forget the economy was doing relativley well until a liberal policy (low income mortgages) caught up with it. People habitually use Bush as a scape goat (unjustified) and connected McCain with him.

Obama spoke in glittering generalities... like “ the audacity of hope,” “change we can believe in, " "yes we can," and this real head-scratcher, "we are the ones we've been waiting for!"

(OK... I swear BO must have studied Eric Hoffer's "True Believer" )

But because of his vague rhetoric, vast numbers of Obama supports have projected their own values and poured their own meaning into his words. And now he has a problem. He has a cult-like following of unrealistic "fans."

The Hopemeister is already trying to LOWER expectations. In his acceptance speech Tuesday, Obama said he might not be able to accomplish everything he wants to do in one term... (Ya think?)

"Barack Obama’s senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week’s election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harbouring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve. .."\'-hopes-unrealistic.html

But... He has already changed his tune on issues like the war and I dare to hope that in reality he will wise up on his economic theories and that some of his "bright" ideas (like raising taxes and government run health care) will be soundly defeated.

Obama is a very eloquent man, but he just told people what they want to hear and it worked. Soon we'll have a clearer picture of what we've actually bought into.

Since we're stuck with him now, I hope he moves more to the "center" and wish him the best.