Michael Ware seems to be incorrect in that respect as the new alliances were part of the new strategy. Ware seems to be saying that the 30,000 soldiers weren't necessary. He's wrong there, too.
"Seems." That doesn't change that Ware is someone who would have knowledge on the ground. I try to keep an open mind even if the pov from the right would need a stronger basis to convince me. So far the point I got was that soldiers on their own by large numbers does not equal winning. Other factors are more important. Also that there's a significant downside.

Speaking as someone not on the ground in Iraq, I'm more likely to trust his take on the situation than yours. But of course I'll keep reading and formulating my take on things. Nothing is dogma and who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Besides, it's CNN. When have they ever been right? Just look at all the lies about Palin. CNN is one of the guiltiest in passing out those vicious false rumors about Palin.
I never claimed no bias from my side, in fact I take pains to acknowledge it. Clearly my relevant facts are different from the ones you deem relevant. That's where ideology comes in. Plus, how CNN shapes bias here, is entirely not like the Palin smears--you can disagree all you want, but Ware isn't some bum who strolled in.

That said, I always check my information and his echoes with a lot of other reports I've read some partisan, some not. But I wouldn't expect you to agree with me or my sources.

By the way, that report you linked to is typical of the left.
So? I'm putting forth a left pov, plus the fact that the report is non-partisan which makes it valid. My perception has a basis, maybe not one you like, but one that is defensible.

You also completely ignore the second half of the report by the ISG.
It is my understanding that the findings are not as clear cut as the right represents them to be.

Again, its clear cut to people of your ideology, but not enough to get me and others on your boat. Otherwise I'd hear a wide diversity of people talking about it, not just the right.

Funny how things even out, even with the left bias of the media is went like lamb to the slaughter on this war.

Bias turns out to be a complicated thing as well,

alcyone (who'll be back with better formulated thoughts later)

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan