Originally posted by alcyone:
The bill was not Obama's [b]one accomplishment and it was not to teach explicit sex education to young children.
Umm, did you actually watch the ad? It never used the word, "explicit." It quoted the bill with the use of the phrase, "comprehensive sex education." When you used the word, "explicit," that set off all sorts of warning bells so I went back to watch the ad again, twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything. That word appears nowhere in the ad, nor does any other word that's similar in meaning.

As for "one accomplishment," it's all in the eye of the beholder what is classified as an accomplishment. That's an opinion, not one subject to fact checking. My opinion is that he hasn't accomplished a thing, so McCain gives him more credit than I do.

Now yes, he did get it wrong with the quote allegedly from the Chicago Tribune. Big deal. That's about the only thing you could say was inaccurate. The quote was real, just the attribution was wrong.

I have never heard ABC called Fox-lite. If anything, conservatives consider ABC the enemy. That Charles Gibson is such a conservative, right? wink

Here's a sample of those questions:

Gibson to Obama: "How do you spell C-A-T?"
EDIT: Better question: "What's your favorite color?" <g>

Gibson to Palin: "What's the average airspeed of an unladen swallow?"
Palin to Gibson: "African or European?"
Gibson to Palin: "Gotcha!"


-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin