It seems to me FactCheck didn't read the syllabus that formed the basis of Senate Bill 99, which is the one I posted a link to, since they make no mention of it. While the bill does not explicitly say that kindergartners will be taught the names of body parts, how sex works, how same sex relationships work, and so on, the syllabus does show what it means by the phrase, "age appropriate."

By reading all the Level 1 entries, you can see what "age appropriate" meant to the authors of the bill for kindergartners. Whether Obama read it, I don't know so I cannot read his intent, seeing as he wasn't a co-sponsor. But given the syllabus used to formulate the bill, McCain's ad is accurate. Again, I make no value judgment about whether it's appropriate to teach kindergartners those types of things, but the syllabus goes beyond simply teaching kids about inappropriate touching.

As for Obama's ad using Limbaugh, the reason I found it offensive was the way Limbaugh's words were being taken completely out of context making him look like a racist, and by trying to tie McCain to Limbaugh, Obama tried to make McCain look like a racist. This one wasn't even close to being accurate on so many levels. Ads always stretch things, but this one was way over the line, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin