I trust that she's lost many women's votes for her pro-life views, if nothing else. Regardless of anyone's personal views on the rights and wrongs of abortion here, restricting access to abortions is a blow to women's rights and negates everything she's achieved by being picked for potential VP, IMHO. If pro-life is the opposite of pro-choice, then it's basically anti-choice, when you take away the sugar coating.
Eh, the only votes she'll lose are the Democrats. :p I've never met a Republican who's signed on with a pro-abortion candidate. Feel free to call us neanderthals about women's rights if you like, but as volunteer, you just wouldn't believe the number of women who've made a point of telling us, "Wow, this abortion was a mistake."

Is it a mistake to invoke legislation? Honestly, we're not ready for legislation because neither side has a good enough stance on abortion to rule on it, IMO. We need more facts, and less opinions and feelings. But the fact that I can name names of crying women who feel like they made the worst mistake of their lives by aborting their unborn bothers me enough to do something about it. And that's enough for me to ignore the feelings of the women's rights hoo-ha and support a candidate who supports life.

Anyway, I've just got to get out of here. The day a women's rights debate goes anywhere on this website is the day I'll shave my head.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy