Originally posted by alcyone:

Factcheck has a fact-filled article on one of the Swiftboat smear ads, most people link them to the right because more than half their funding according to the IRS was from prominent members of the Republican party.
And you'd expect their funding to come from pro-Kerry, left-wing sources? After they formed, of course they'd go to more right wing sources for money. To do otherwise would be like Bush going to Hollywood for a fundraiser. He'd get, what? Maybe three people who'd donate to him? And of those, maybe only one who would admit to donating? To say that right wing sources funded the Swift Boaters is rather an obvious statement. Who else would give them money when their objective was to take down the Democratic nominee? I would have expected it to be 100%, not just more than half. That doesn't mean they're a creation of the right wing or that they had anything to do with the Republican Party. That just means when they needed money for their political activities, they knew where to go.

You go where the donations are, just as I'd expect MoveOn.org's funding to come from prominent Democratic sources. I simply can't imagine them going up to Richard Mellon Scaife for a donation, would you?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin