A few links of interest for some of you:

Obama is winning Hillary Supporters:

Fact Checking that wonderful Palin Speech:
Short easy to read:

Oh that speech... a Bush writer wrote it for her:

How Sarah Palin has helped Obama:

Why you won't see Palin in anything but scripted speeches:

Although I do see she is going to do an ABC interview. I'd like to see how hard hitting the questions actually end up being or if they are a set that are handed to them to ask. My respect for her might raise a bit if we can get some real answers from her and not through a scripted speech by Bush's writers.

I could go on with the links but I won't... Somehow I don't get the view of her that everyone else does.

I was honestly totally fine with either Obama or McCain as president before he picked Palin. But the more I look into her the more I'm just seeing someone who looks a lot like Bush and that isn't who I want in there. Especially if McCain kicks the bucket.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!