(I also sent a letter to the mods list, but if anyone responded, I never saw it.)
Paul, three of us replied to your email - I know that at least mine was bounced back from your eddress.

The concensus of the admins was that there is an official route for members of this forum to mail the admins if they have a concern or complaint. The admins will then deal with it and - if they think it necessary - change policy or issue a ruling on the matter.

We will not, however, change policy or otherwise act on vague, third-party information that anonymous members whose names we do not know, whose motivations or agendas we do not know, who have not officially emailed us their concerns are complaining on forums outwith this one. It doesn't seem to us that that would be a fair basis on which to base policy.

If they do not complain to us, we have no basis to investigate or act.

I haven't read this thread. However, I would strongly reiterate the main policy of this forum. Debate all you want - so long as you do it with respect for the opposing viewpoint. If your method of debate is such that it involves mocking anyone who chooses to differ from your pov as idiots for not agreeing with you, perhaps you should consider walking away now and not posting at all.

If anyone has concerns that the rules on flaming or courtesy of this forum have been broken here - you can email the admins and we will certainly seriously investigate your concerns.

Otherwise, I'm issuing a general warning - keep it friendly, keep it respectful or we'll be forced to close the thread down.

It's entirely up to you. Play nice or not at all.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers