Well I suppose at this point all I can say is that McCain's money to hire the same robocall firm that smeared him in 2000 to smear Obama wasn't a total waste. His supporters seem to be buying the connection. The rest of us are tired of hearing it (as seen by McCain's increasing drop in polls as he continues to push the issue).

100,000 who don't think Obama is a terrorist gathered in Missouri (historically a red state) to hear Obama speak last night. The biggest US crowd to hear him speak:

[Linked Image]

75,000 more gathered that night in Kansas.

We got Colin Powell's endorsement this morning: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/19/colin.powell/index.html

Newspapers that have always favored Republicans and always endorsed republicans are for first time in 60 years (or ever) endorsing Obama. But I'm sure that it isn't because they've done their research. I'm sure it's just them turning liberal and being one sided.

See you guys at the polls on the 4th.

~Jojo, who has also always voted Republican until this election.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!