I was pleasantly surprised to find this topic. I'm eagerly awaiting my chance to vote for McCain/Palin. He wasn't my first choice for candidate
but Palin makes up for a lot. I haven't read all the posts yet, but i'm sure there are a lot of negative posts from Obama fans. Well, i'm a lifelong Democrat and i would not dream of voting for him. The Ayers and Wright connections are just a couple of the many reasons to NOT vote for him. Not to mention the fact that he was involved with Acorn which is under inditement in several states for doing things like registering Mickey Mouse to vote or the same person 30 times, etc. Why people can't see he is a Socialist with exrremely dangerous connections who
is dangerous for this country i just don't understand. I just hope and pray the polls will be wrong and he will get his comeuppance Election Day. Certainly no pollster has called me. LOL I so look forward to a real hero, Senator McCain taking the oath on Inaugeration Day.