ok I'm coming really late to the convo and I've only read the last three pages. I was suprised to discover Americans don't use electric kettles, and the voltage argument just isn't working for me. Why not just design them with step up transformers?

ok so a couple of things:
'swim suits' I call bathers, swimmers or even cozzies.

Kae, that pic of the chips and mushy peas nearly made me puke wink

and why would anyone put cream on their scones before jam? And when we're talking scones, you mean the food made from self-raising flour, butter and milk right? I wouldn't consider them anything like crumpets.

Also, I've often wondered why americans put cream in their coffee? I only ever have milk in coffee, adding cream just seams like adding fat for no reason. Again with the cream thing, I have no idea what clotted cream is. I've only ever had whipped cream (u whip it yourself, the stuff from the can is sick and wrong smile ) or thickened cream.

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