The ones I've had, the cheese curds are put on cold and the gravy heats it up and melts it. Yum. Great now I want some! Mainstream places like New York Fries have yummy poutines. McD tried and those didn't taste so good. When I go to KFC I always get fries and gravy. OOOOH.
Wendy (wishing everyone a happy Canadian Thanksgiving )
Thanks! Me too.

I remember they asked if we had a map of the U.S., because they were planning to go on a road trip. I guess they were used to looking at maps of Italy, and didn't realize just how much bigger the U.S. is, because they got all excited, saying, "Oh, we can drive down to Florida on Saturday, and then on Sunday we'll drive out and see the Grand Canyon, and then on Monday we'll go see Hollywood..."
When I had Japanese relatives come over for a little while they thought they could drive over to Niagra Falls and come back in a weekend. Only Superman can do that or a lot of money by plane... My English relatives got flabbergasted when they went on a road trip to BC. I had a penpal who didn't understand why I didn't go to the Mountains to go snowboarding more often. She said she did it. Yeah, but she lived in Germany and she just had to hop over to Switzerland. Lucky gal.

This isn't related to grammar and food, but it is a US/UK difference. Tea, how do you y'all make it? My family get offended easily when tea has been poorly made. I won't go into what they really say. I thought it was just personal preference on how picky you are, but I was told no. I won't get into CDN stuff b/c I'm sure we are just a combo of it all.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.