I've always been confused about 'senior' 'junior'... Can someone please explain all that to me.

Here we just say grade 11 or grade 12, but for the last five years they have been changing the organization of grades.

Grade 7, 8 & 9 where considered Junior High when my husband went through (grad '92 I think).

me - 7 & 8 where JH and 9 - 12 where High school (grad '95). Yet while I was at that school they treated the niners differently. We where still called junior highers, but we attended a high school. Our classes where organized differently too, like a JH.

My brother who was suppose to graduate in '02 or '03 said his classmates still referred to 'grade 11' say, but the courses where now being listed as senior 1, 2, 3 or 4. Senior 1 is grade 9 (they says S1). Who knows what they say now. They where changing things so often over a 10 year period I don't know what they ended up with!

Here University is where you get degrees, for example, bachelor of arts.

Sisler High School
Red River College
Univeristy of Manitoba
University of Waterloo
Robertson College I would never go to Robertson. there are too many of these type of places popping up that don't have a solid history. You learn more office stuff and some say it isn't recognizable in other provinces or countries.

Here many say, the best education to get is a university degree and then complement it with good college diplomas or certificates.

College is somewhere you get a diploma or a certification.

You can get diplomas in an continuing education program (professional thing) at universities.

Before Colleges where looked down upon, but now they seem to get you a job faster. There they have trades, can take accounting (though 4 classes of their accounting equal one intro. class at university), child development certificates....

Now you are getting more and more interaction between all the universities and colleges where a lot of stuff is integrated for some programs like environmental geography and education.

Some people say uni here --- RARELY!!! Usually people just abbreviate the place they go to and it's a given that everyone understands.
When my roommate came back from studying in Australia (she was at UNSW), she got into the habit of saying "Let's go to Uni" and it drove the rest of us crazy! We would say "Let's go to class," and she was using the word Uni to describe anything and everything associated with the university
I can understand that driving you crazy! LOL

When I went to the States for the first time (last winter) I went to North Dakota. I found it hilarious that there where so many lines on the road, sign saying no parking or pay a fee or fine. Also, there on my first visit I only saw American cars. It was soooo weird. I couldn't believe how cheap the food was and how EXPENSIVE the electronics where. So different.

The next time I saw a few non - American cars. I guess it is different there b/c well I guess it is so not 'big cityish'. I went to Minneapolis last summer for the first time. My eyes shot open wide when I saw signs I wasn't accustomed to on the doors to Mall of America. Something about you can't have firearms in there. Guns in Wal-Mart!! And yet they don't sell some CDs b/c there are 'bad' words on them. Whatever.

When I was in England I thought the squiggley lines on the side of the road where weird. I never did find out what they were for. I never did look it up. Also, how ON EARTH do those round-a-bout things work? Here they are just starting to pop up but they are only one laned. When I was in Edmonton a few years ago, my husband and I ended up in a big one. We didn't know that city had them! Luckily it was early on a weekend and there was only one other car there. Otherwise we didn't know what we could and couldn’t do! Hmmm, maybe I'll look it up if I have time.

I couldn't get over the quality of the freeways system in the States. Total thumbs up from here. I cried when I was in Edmonton b/c I was so scared. Cars going 110km/hr down a freeway. I just spent a 16 hr drive non-stop (well except for gas) and we where lost and now we had to put up with traffic. I'd never seen that before. Well I didn't know it could get worse. Well I did, I was just in denial. Luckily in Minneapolis I expected the worst. Man. People where going soooooooo fast. At least we had a car now that could get up to speed really fast. I hate driving. Oh I don't drive by the way.

I know a lot of countries are known for fast freeways, but they are built for that - as many of us know. Here in Cda, we cannot go fast b/c our roads are not engineered for such speeds. We poor. Edmonton has the luxery of having freeways b/c they are a 'have' province. I believe the most well off in Cda.

I heard they are getting rid of the double deckers in London. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Discussion please!

Some of my relatives from England could never pronouce one of my old teachers name - Mr. Sisk. It always came out as Fisk. WHY???????

Why are Krispy Creams (Kreams???) so popular?

In Scotland, how vast are the accents? Many different types?

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.