Oh, goodie more to read but I cannot read it all right now.

We do have homogenized milk, but we don't call it "homo milk." "Homo" here is a derogatory slang term for homosexual. Generally, we just call it "milk," actually. It's all pasteurized and homogenized.
Oh duo tangs are not binders. We call binders...binders! LOL Yeah, I always giggled when I was younger about homo-milk. I don't drink it now so I don't think much about it. My pen pals still tease me about it.
I thought not all milk is homo. There is Fat Free, 1%, 2% and so on. I know when I went to Starbucks I had to say whole-milk when I was in North Dakota. That was when I had my first coffee...and I drank it all. I made sure I called it that b/c I didn't want to offend anyone.

Oh I was in Minneapolis hmm....Sept of 2003. I think in the first week b/c it was a long weekend here. I shopped 'til I dropped. Clothing specifically.

Oh I realize not all Americans just drive American cars I just had mini shock when I went to Grand Forks and saw only one 'foreign' car and that was at the end of my trip. I just thought it was odd. The second time I went I saw more, but they where mostly from Minnesota.

I don't know what "poutine" is, and it seems babelfish doesn't either. Oh well.
A poutine is a French Canadian dish. It is chip (French Fries) with gravy and cheese on top. Sometimes it is cheese curds but some restaurants use graded cheese. Cheese curds are better.

I call pot. chips crisps and fries either fries or chips, but in public I call crisps potato chips. At my old work crew got confused when a customer would say chips and they would give them old Dutch pot. chips and not French fries. Ugh.

I've been on double deckers and bendy buses. the bendy's made me dizzy.
Roo, you didn't stop in Virginia, did you?
The big drive I've done a couple times is only Winnipeg to Edmonton. I almost did WPG to Jasper, but that is a total headache. When I saw the sign that said take this road to Alaska, boy was I tempted. Now, I wish I did.

OH this is a total side note, but since it is in my head and most likely won't be in a few minutes I'll spill it out here. Where on Earth are the 7-11s? I looked it up and there are non in North and South Dakota. The closest one to me is in Chicago. They are plentiful up here, they are EVERYWHERE. Winnipeg is the so-called Slurpee capital. Who knows. I just thought it was an American country and well, wouldn't they be everywhere? I was there and I needed a Slurpee BAD. Here we have Frosters at Macs, Cold Sucks at Husky, I can't remember the name for the ones at Shell and well Slurpees at Sev (sorry that's 7-11 for those who are going huh?)

Here a Mickey has to do with beer.
2 4 has to do with...beer.
Shimmy is hockeyish...and well apparently you need beer for that.
vendor is where you get....beer.

I don't like beer, but I think the old stubbies are very cute.

Another side note = I’m annoyed that no one sells mushy peas here,

When I was in school I had to learn all the prov an capital like any other poor sot, but I had to know the all the States and all the capital and American History. I learned all the countries and their capital of all those in South America, Central America and the Caribbean. We choose a couple other continents to learn, but I chose all b/c I enjoy it...while other groaned. Now meet me in French class and I'll groan. No I didn't go to a private school, I was public and it has a bad rep. Gangs...now it is finally getting it's due. It was named one of the better high schools in Cda in a national magazine. I just wanted to say I'm proud of them b/c they've been fighting the bad rap since they opened in the 1960s when my mum went there. (Side history note that I'm proud of, sorry I gotta do it. Do you know the Guess Who or Neil Young? The Guess Who gang, most of them went to my High School. I think Neil Young got kicked out and had to go to another one in the area but he lived a couple of blocks away an a few from my Mum. The Maintence guy I used to work with at McD hated Burton Cummings b/c the guy though he was all that in HS. LOL. SORRY. My school just gets teased so much. When I went to university and the teacher asked which school I was from the kids proceeded to move their desks away from me. They though I'd beat them up. Ugh, they were all from the South End and River Heights...rich kids. My husband went to the school I was afraid of. A lot of his graduating class went to jail and many are rolling in money though too. LOL FUnny he thought my school was bad. Perspective can be funny. One of the premiers of our prov went to my HS. Maybe there is hope for me yet. Fingers are crossed.....Shut up ROo.)
Sorry my typing is horrid. I'm typing in the dark on my notebook in bed w/ the screen on it's lowest light setting. Don't want to disturb the husband.

OH don't feel bad y'all who are geographically challenged. I've had a geog proff who was that. I think I've told that tale before.

Hmmm, I think it is better to be better with words personally. It's harder and well you use it more often and you need it to communicate. I wish I had that gift. I'm horrid with spelling, vocabulary, grammar.........

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.